Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Snack Attack

Source: Wikimedia

Today's Weight: 217.4

Snacks: Half an order of fries from Dairy Queen, pepperoni slices, a mind KIND bar, and a few slices of chicken.

Thoughts: Yeah...definitely didn't do well with the eating today...

These snacks weren't consumed in one sitting, so I had several chances to turn things around and eat on plan, yet I didn't.


Well, it wasn't because I was eating my anxiety. Rather, it was that the food was just...there. And I knew it would taste good and I knew that I wanted some.

After all, when would be the next time I will get french fries, right?

Instead of just mindlessly eating, I should have just followed Coach Jennifer's advice when it comes to cravings:

  1. Do a 20-minute pause.
  2. Check in with your thoughts and feelings.

Looking back, my feelings were of desire. These feelings didn't come out of nowhere, but rather from the thoughts that I had about the food ("It would taste good", "When will be the next time I'll get fries", etc.).

This is a skill that I know I need to develop in order to get to my goal weight, yet the pause is a pain because it's so inconvenient. Even I'm not exceptionally busy most of the time, I have other obligations that require my time and attention (work, family, and other goals of mine). I barely have the space to breathe.

How do you practice mindfulness in the midst of busyness and chaos? Let me know down in the comments.

Until next time!


Monique ❤

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