Thursday, April 4, 2019

Eating Through Anxiety

So the past week has been interesting. I did very well eating on plan and working with my coach and lost four pounds.

But then anxiety struck.

I was working on a project that I was trying to finish before the month ended, and I had a small binge. This week, my boss has been more critical than usual. I was fine until yesterday when I binged again.

And these are just the big things that have worried me. Lately, I’ve been feeling stuck and feeling inferior because I’m 27 and I haven’t done anything big in my life. No dream job, no moving to a new city, no relationships, no saving the world.


Oh, and did I mention my 10th year class reunion is coming up in October?

Anyway,  I’m back up four pounds now...

How do you cope with anxiety and stress without eating? How have you overcome feelings of inferiority? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time.


Monique ❤️

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