Monday, June 3, 2019

A Little Unconventional

Today's Weight: 218.6

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and bacon with collard greens (Pictured above)

Dinner: Greek salad with chicken

Thoughts: My breakfast is a little on the unconventional side, but I needed to get my greens in so this was the first thing I could get my hands on.

Also, I was glad to have a day off from work (state holiday). I spent today getting some shopping done and later coming home to cut up some Lush bath bombs.

Peachy bath bomb.

I had a total of five bath bombs I've been hanging onto for months now, but for one reason or another, they went unused. Since I'm working on eliminating products with added fragrance and colors from my skincare regimen, I figured that the best use for them would be aromatherapy. I plan on dissolving a chunk before or during a shower and letting the fragrance fill the entire bathroom.

With that said, I ask you, what are some unconventional methods you've used to achieve a goal? What are some unconventional ways you've used products?

Until next time!


Monique ❤

Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Snack Attack

Source: Wikimedia

Today's Weight: 217.4

Snacks: Half an order of fries from Dairy Queen, pepperoni slices, a mind KIND bar, and a few slices of chicken.

Thoughts: Yeah...definitely didn't do well with the eating today...

These snacks weren't consumed in one sitting, so I had several chances to turn things around and eat on plan, yet I didn't.


Well, it wasn't because I was eating my anxiety. Rather, it was that the food was just...there. And I knew it would taste good and I knew that I wanted some.

After all, when would be the next time I will get french fries, right?

Instead of just mindlessly eating, I should have just followed Coach Jennifer's advice when it comes to cravings:

  1. Do a 20-minute pause.
  2. Check in with your thoughts and feelings.

Looking back, my feelings were of desire. These feelings didn't come out of nowhere, but rather from the thoughts that I had about the food ("It would taste good", "When will be the next time I'll get fries", etc.).

This is a skill that I know I need to develop in order to get to my goal weight, yet the pause is a pain because it's so inconvenient. Even I'm not exceptionally busy most of the time, I have other obligations that require my time and attention (work, family, and other goals of mine). I barely have the space to breathe.

How do you practice mindfulness in the midst of busyness and chaos? Let me know down in the comments.

Until next time!


Monique ❤

Saturday, June 1, 2019

And Now for Something Different...

Today's Weight: 218.6

Breakfast: Sausage and Egg Scrambler, an Iced Caramel Craze Latte, and a French Cruller from Dunkin' (Donuts) (Don't worry, guys, this was a planned treat.)

Lunch: Roasted Greek salmon and coleslaw

Thoughts: "I don't feel like writing today. As a matter of fact, I don't really feel like doing anything today." (Cue "The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars)

Well, clearly, I pushed through the resistance to get this post done.

As much as I would like to continue the deep, thought-provoking posts that I've been making, I also made a promise to you guys to be more transparent.

And this is how I'm going to start. Beginning this month, I'm going to post every day about my current weight, what I ate, my thoughts and feelings, and maybe an update here and there about what else I have going on in my life.

With that said, I've also made a promise to myself to eliminate products with added artificial scents and colors by the end of the year from my skincare regimen. Unfortunately, this means that my relationship with Lush will soon come to an end.

(Unless they decide to release a line of fragrance-free and dye-free products, and I will gladly spearhead and sponsor that project!)

For those of you already on board with fragrance- and color-free skincare products, let me know what you use. I'm especially curious about bath products.

Until next time!


Monique ❤